
Well, I made the biggest mistake of my life.

I trusted someone to understand my goals and help me make decisions about my future. Its not that they were intentionally stifling the progress of my education and career that aggravates me, its that they were either too stupid or too naive to realize how damaging their idiotic programs are. Let me lay it out this way:

If you want to get a bachelors of arts or science degree, or any other bachelors degree for that matter, you have to go talk to the university that you want to go to before you talk to the retarded community college. If you don't you will come to the end of your associates of applied science degree and find out that it doesn't do a damn thing to count toward the degree that you wanted in the first place. Noooo, not at all. So now, before graduating and taking a degree that might as well have been printed on toilet paper, I have to think about the classes that I need to take this spring. Not to mention the classes I need to take next fall. Oh, and I forgot to mention the classes I need to take the following spring. All three semesters of classes will be needed to be able to enter the program I wanted to go after and have been killing myself for two years to get to.

The mistake wasn't the community colleges, it was mine. I didn't do the research, I didn't look into the transfer requirements, and I didn't understand at the time the difference. I made the mistake of thinking that people working for a college, who have also been to college to get a higher level degree, would understand that when I say that my goal is this:

Get my CCNA
Get my associates degree (AAS, AS, AA not specified, my fault I guess)
Transfer to a university for my bachelors degree (Again, not specified)

I guess that third one is the one that pisses me off the most. Apparently someone has been feeding the community colleges in this area with bad information, or more likely, the community colleges in this area are literally stealing from students and hoping they won't realize it (like me). Do this, just try to go to http://www.eicc.edu and try to find the computer science degree program. Try to find any academic program and the requirements for them. It's there, but you won't find it easily. Now, follow any links you can to find a computer program. That will be much easier. What you'll notice is that they are pimping they're own curriculum for what THEY think is relevant to you're applied science degree. No other university, community college, or trade school on the planet will think that your degree is worth a crap.

I'm actually done writing this now. I can't tell you how much I hate this college. They have stolen thousands of dollars and at least 18 months of my life. Time I can't get back. Time that I have had to ignore my friends, my family, and my kids. Do yourself a favor and think about where you ultimately want to be. If you just want a silly piece of paper, talk to a community college first. If you want a degree that you can actually use to secure employment, talk to anyone but a community college.

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