
Moving On

I was an idiot when I decided to get married at 18 years old while living in my parents house. I was an idiot when my wife and I decided to immediately start a family. I was an idiot when I left the railroad for a job that paid 50% less than what I was making so I could go back to school and get into IT. Bottom line is that I would have been the biggest idiot of all if I had listened to a single one of them.

I have been married for over 11 years with two very beautiful well mannered children. I have a college degree and I am now making 20% more then I made on the stupid railroad. I don't blame the people that didn't support me at the time for their feelings. I'm not bitter about anything they said to me or the opinions they had of me. I would imagine that their own inhibitions and self doubt feuled these feelings. It's possible that they made mistakes in the past, took risks and lost, or most likely underestimated my resolve.

The thin line between confidence and arrogence is where I spend most of my time. I have found that some people absolutely despise one or the other or both. But more often than not, people flock to those that have it. I can't stand arrogence and I'm sure that that is probably the most hated of the two. In my opinion arrogence is confidence with a heavy dose of asshole. The line between them confidence and arrogence is very delicate in that you need just the right amount of asshole. Too little and you're considered a pushover. Too much and you will be hated. With just the right amount, you will be loved.

All of this has taken me to a new stage in my life. My kids are getting older and more like little adults and we are starting to accumulate debt we can afford like most other red blooded Americans. I started a new job with a big company doing exactly what I wanted to do on the 23rd of August, 2010. My wife is moving along well in her Bachelor's degree program and should have that complete by this May. After that she's going on for her Nurse Practitioner and I can't wait.

This time, nobody gave me shit for moving away or the decisions that Val and I have been making lately. You know why? Because I get shit done and everyone knows it. Val gets shit done and everyone knows it. I'm calling it here... I'll be within an hour drive of the ocean in 10 years. That's my goal. Watch me.

1 comment:

  1. i really like to know where are you now 10 years later.
