
It's been a long two years

I can't tell you how unmotivated I've been lately as it pertains to my school work. I have to admit, it's starting to get the best of me. I don't have much to do in my classes, but the fact that my time is not my own is really getting old. I feel guilty when my nose isn't buried in some book. Hell, even venting here seems odd considering the homework that's piling up. I know what I have to do, and since this is my last semester before I get my A.A.S, it's time to buckle down...

I have less than seven weeks until it's over. Then I get eight months off before going half-time to a university for my B.A.S. That should be an easier pace than my full and a half-time schedule now while being married to my job. I have to say though, its going to be an enormous accomplishment for me. I have never followed through with something like this in my life, other than my marriage, which I believe is the single greatest accomplishment I will ever have (11 years this March!!).

Still, I feel like a prisoner. I don't do well in situations where I'm obligated to force myself to do things I don't want to do. You would not believe the amount of stupid trivial things can easily tear your mind away from what must be done when your desire to do them is at a minimum.

I do have a bit of good news though. My brother Jason will be leaving for L.A. on Friday to meet with a bunch of Record Labels. He is the most talented person I know and if anyone in this world can do it, he can. I'm super proud of him and I wish him the best of luck. Hopefully he'll remember me when he's on the top and slip me some nosebleed tickets one day. Talent didn't hit on my side of the family tree, I have to work at everything I'm good at.

Here's to you Jason! No matter what happens, you still make me proud to be your brother!

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