
its been a while

I know that it has been a while since i've updated my blog, but the latter half of my classes got kind of... well, difficult. I finally got my first B in psychology because of an oversight on my part. Oh well, it was bound to happen. Now i have to stare at a 3.98gpa instead of a 4.0 and while it kinda bothers me, it really takes off the pressure of me thinking i have to have perfect grades.

I also enrolled in a summer class. /sigh But if I didn't do the class this summer, i would either have to take 20credits this fall, or go another semester. I'm not down with that, so I'll sacrifice my summer.

Well, i'll try to keep updating, especially with how my vacation to North Carolina went. It'll b my first time for a lot of things:
1. Flying commercially
2. Renting a car
3. Seeing the ocean
4. Worrying about being eaten by a large fish with sharp teeth

Look back around the middle of July. You'll see my review of the eastern part of the country.


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